26 Nov The value of presentation skills in a connected world
In today’s disrupted work environment, we are no longer strangers to virtual presentations. In fact, you are probably dreading the next webinar invite, having fallen prey to one poor presentation after the next. This begs the question: how do we effectively engage with our audience through a screen, so that they aren’t tempted to hit that tempting “end meeting” button?
The purpose of a presentation is to captivate and engage with your audience to successfully portray your message. This can be difficult when your audience is at home or in a busy office with many distractions. Not only do we have to worry about that, but we live in a world where anything can be recorded and searched on the internet. To avoid a lifetime humiliation from a presentation gone wrong, follow these tips:
Background is everything
We all know someone who has had an embarrassing zoom moment, like when their partner walks by in their towel or you thought you were on mute, but you weren’t… To ensure nothing of the sort goes wrong while you are presenting, ensure you are in a quiet environment and fully screen your backdrop for any incriminating decor that could distract from your message. We suggest removing all mirrors, to be extra safe.
Know your platform
With limited time to get your message across, don’t risk the possibility of being another fumbling presenter. All it does is create frustration amongst your viewers. To avoid this, attempt a dry run using the same technical setup you will have when you deliver your presentation. Remember to check your internet’s stability and sound! If it’s not up to scratch, change locations and try again.
Focus on the camera
It’s strange presenting to a computer screen, and it’s only human nature to stare at yourself. Fight the urge to do so and look directly into your computer’s camera. This will come across more natural and make the viewer feel as if you’re speaking directly to them. Another pro-tip is to make sure that your camera is at eye-level because nobody wants to stare up your nose or at your double-chin. Lastly, do not slouch, it only makes you look disconnected.
Master these simple tips and you’ll never have to worry about your presentation blunders ending up on YouTube.